Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Googling the Republican Convention

Joe Biden Presidential Votes
(MSNBC was nice enough to clear this up for me: Huckabee got this out of nowhere.)

Republican Convention Live Blogging

Martha Cothren
(This one is true)

"We used to say if a frog had side pockets, he's carry a handgun"
(best guess I read: it's an answer to "if Kerry had won 120,000 more votes in Ohio, he'd be President now")

"Sorry about that war"
SNL "glimpse the future"
(You can read this here. Thank you, blog of Mike DeWolfe!)

Palin's accent
(Idaho? Minnesota?)

Private jets on ebay
(Buy it Now for $75,000)

Code Pink Palin

At this point, TiVo helpfully switches me to The Daily Show. Thanks, TiVo!

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