Sunday, January 30, 2011

Internet Time Waste #11: Aaron Diaz's art blog

Finally, a new way to waste time on the internet.

Today's internet time waster: the blog of Aaron Diaz, author of the webcomic Dresden Codak.

I'm making a point of flying through these things, but with Diaz I want to point out a few things just because they each took me a while to figure out:

1) This webcomics process blog is not just useful to artists, but also will change the way you read comics. After reading Diaz's post explaining silhouette and comic, I often find myself checking the silhouette of the characters in the panels of the comics I read. I've found myself appreciating good design more and noticing when artists get it wrong.

2) When I need to explain to people that Diaz is a genius, this is the individual comic I'm most often thinking about.

3) Aaron is also a member of a video tribe that did the most compelling fan-made video ever shot in a basement with a single camera angle.

4) He invented a "pretend to be a time traveler" day (video here.

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