Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Production Diary: Pre-Production Day 2

My production life is so different from my regular life that there's almost no way to compare them. My waking hours are different, my clothes are different because nothing can destroy clothes like a production, I go to different places, vehicles handle differently, I meet new people and my old friends disappear.

Fantasy of the day: After learning more and more about the limitations of this truck, I started thinking about the London Knowledge and how the guys studying for it studied the layout of the city from their vespas. For a moment I have a clear image of myself, ripping through New York City on a vespa.

Oddly gratifying moment of the day: I am trying to engage my ride along in conversation by telling him how hard it is to turn on to McDonald. He seems a little dissinterested until I say "Have you seen The French Connection?"

Without missing a beat and with what can only be described as unbridled enthusiasm, he says "We're going there?!"

Surreal moment of the day:
I get off the train in Carrol Gardens and think "Wait, is this neighborhood still here?"

Today was also the day I realized that while I was enjoying my sunglasses, I had completely lost my regular glasses. This is what you call a big-small problem. Here is me calling my overworked cousin trying to convince him to get my spare set of glasses from my apartment and bring them to me:

ME (in a frenzy): Cousin, the sun sets in an hour, and I'm starting to get really worried about turning in to a pumpkin with this sunglasses thing.
MY COUSIN THE REVOLUTIONARY: What the hell are you talking about?

Post note: they were stuck behind the seat of the truck.

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