Friday, December 22, 2006

Five Things I dislike about Santa Fe, N.M.

ONE: Altitude of 7,000 ft.
While visiting my mom at her house in Santa Fe, N.M. this week I experienced shortness of breath, weakness, stomach pains and disorientation. My mother, who is not a doctor, diagnosed me with altitude sickness.

TWO: Static Electricity
Thin, dry air means plenty of static electricity, which means you get shocked every time you touch a car door or doorknob.

THREE: Race Divisions
White people and Latinos eat, shop and live in different places and different parts of town. This is really creepy.

FOUR: Tourists
I developed a dislike for tourists while growing up in a neighborhood that tourists like to look at. I lived in the front bedroom, the one most visible to tourists, so I had my shades shut for basically my entire childhood.

Let's just say living in New York has not improved my attitude towards tourists.

FIVE: No Subways
Get on it, America!

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