Here's what going on with not watching t.v. during the days for the past week or so:
I'm reading more. Which has made me realize that the prescription of my glasses is probably too strong. It's also made me realize how my friend Emily made it through Infinite Jest in two weeks (no t.v. at all, if you can believe such a thing.)
I'm also spending more time seeing other people more. Partly because I'm bored. Then I'm writing more.

I'm also realizing ... again ... that I don't have enough space in my New York apartment for a lot of the things I'd like to do here.
- Filing, which sounds trivial but really, really isn't; especially if you're trying to be a film producer of some kind. Filing takes space. I mean, I don't even have a desk.
- Playing with legos.
- Playing on the floor.
- Reading Nemo Sundays.
- Putting away all my clothes, which is good news for New York Coat Drive.
- Cleaning my tree (don't ask).
- Producing a movie.
- Any sort of artistic pursuit unless you count blogging.
- Eating a home-cooked meal with another person.
- Cooking, for that matter.
- Getting away from it all.
- Taking things out of their storage places so I can sort them and store them more efficiently.
- Painting the walls.
- Reading in bed.
- Oh, and the lighting's bad.
- Having a pet (although this one I'm on the fence about. The problem is that any name I give a cat could never have as cool a name as my friend Liz's former cat, Dr. Pickles.)
Upshot: because I'm watching less t.v. I'm thinking more. WHO'D OF THOUGHT.
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