This short post: My film!
Here is the status of my film:
I still haven't been able to bring myself to read it. Maybe tomorrow. But I did read over my friend's shoulder while she read it, and I can already spot some of the stuff I'm doing wrong. Mostly I'm not signposting the really weird stuff (people slipping in to other dimensions for tea, that sort of thing) so the casual reader can follow what's going on.

The most tangible sign of progress, then, is that I have decided the genre of my film is "urban fantasy." I can't pitch without a genre and I could never figure out what it was before, so this is a big deal for me.
Here's how I came to this: my aunt, my cousin the revolutionary's mother, has been working in film for forever. I gave her my pitch and what with all the vengeful spirits, possessed beetles and demons in hoodies, she decided it was a fantasy movie.
Now, to me, fantasy is some half-assed British thing with unicorns and magic fireballs and all that bullshit you don't see on a street in Brooklyn Heights.
My philosophy of filmmaking - and expressing this to the world is one of the reasons I wrote this movie - is that interesting magic isn't dragons and fireballs but their real-world analogies, like high-powered lawyers and accidents with your stove. It's what happens in the blink of an eye, it's a hand-labeled bottle in a medicine cabinet, it's not your curse but the curse next door. My type of movie is closer to magic realism, but magic realism has always meant something rural to me. Hence urban fantasy.
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