But a few come on searches for topics I've talked about here, usually celebrities (most popular so far: Elijah Wood). People even came through here looking for mentions of indy rock listings darling Oh My Rockness and Scary-Go-Round, the comic I've been reading since Keenspot's heyday.

I'm convinced the only person interested in what the bloggoscope is saying about Hugh Laurie is Hugh Laurie's agent. That's why this gets me all hot and bothered: every time I mention a celebrity by name, that celebrity's agent's secretary's intern spends two or three seconds looking at my site. It's not that I think my vague marriage proposal to Katrina Kerns is being passed up the public relations ladder, but, hey, a man can dream, right?
So, hey, low-ranked worker in the public relations industry hierarchy, stick around, leave a comment. Hell, link to your own blog. This is as close to celebrity as either of us is likely to get.
look I read this and commented. that means I'm not a stalker, right?
Ava, you can be my stalker if you want to be. Everyone else has to ask permission.
Hey there's nothing wrong with being an intern! not all of us can sit around blogging all day, some us have more important things to do, like time code an annotated script.
I have no problem with interns. I used to be one. All I'm saying is that it's a long and winding road from intern to fame.
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