A film production is a big deal. It does not stop. Often I have been in a position, like firewatching G+E equipment from a phone booth in the rain, that I could not physically escape for hours at a time. I've spent about as many waking hours with my cousin the revolutionary in the past day as I did in the month before that - and he lives with me. During the time I was at home, I wasn't functional enough to do dishes. Blogging was out of the question.

That said, a lot has happened to me in the past month. I knew coming in to this production that it would be a life-changing experience, because I have done few enough productions that they have all been life-changing experiences. For example, I now have a career in film. That's a big deal.
So there's a lot to talk about. There are a few things I'll probably post date, but I've essentially just led another life and returned to this one, and a life reappraisal is an inherently free-association thing. In summary, watch this space.
hmmm... that sounds an awful lot like a half-baked excuse for not posting. "life changing experience", sure (if i weren't ignorant of html the quotes would be italics instead). In other news I'm glad you've got a career in film so you can drag me along with you in a year. You've gotta stay away from the couch, keep it from devouring your career.
For a brief moment I too had a film career. I was APOC for a feature last fall, and I also did local casting. It was a horrible, wonderful experience. I had a couple of things lined up afterward but they got delayed and I couldn't afford to wait, so I'm had to get a regular job and now I'm working in PR.
For a brief moment I too had a film career. I was APOC for a feature last fall, and I also did local casting. It was a horrible, wonderful experience. Our 2nd AD said "You hate it while you're shooting and then you can't wait to do it again."
I had a couple of things lined up afterward but they got delayed and I couldn't afford to wait, so I had to get a regular job and now I'm working in PR.
Hooray for Richard!
- Pat Brady
Glad to hear news of your adventures. Can't wait for more HOT POSTS
- Still Pat Brady
a career in film, eh? as if the pro-am porno market wasn't saturated enough already...
I'm just finishing up *my* first ever production. Sleep? Kid, you did better than I did! Since I was the "writer" all I did was write, listen to everything that was wrong with what I had already written, and look at footage to tell me what I *should* be writing about instead/also/next time if I by some mistake ever got another chance to be part of this insane world.
Perhaps I should have started this at 25 instead of 61... at least I can understand a little of what's implied by "a career in film."
p.s. I use that Back Button all the time, smart aleck. It's the Forward stuff I have trouble with.
This is a pretty good cross-section of Ribble's reading demographic - my cousin the revolutionary, my friend Sarah from Maine, Pat Brady representing the wandering-in-from-Facebook contingent, my mom. Actually, that's not a cross-section - that is my readership.
Thanks, guys. Without you, I wouldn't have an audience.
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