Saturday, April 29, 2006

ribble's Third Draft

The inestimable Jay Stern of the First Sundays Film Festival took the time to read my script while he was on jury duty and we talked about it over lunch this week.

Jay, a filmmaker himself, was very helpful. I was happy to discover that all the problems of the first draft were resolved, and I now had a completely new batch of problems. This means I'm making progress.

Every one of the problems Jay and I talked about can be solved any number of ways through thinking and writing (whereas the problems of the first draft had to be solved through cutting and soul-searching, which are much more brutal).

Also, Jay pointed out that at 88 pages (standard script length is 120 pages), I was in the enviable position of being able to solve problems by adding scenes rather than needing to take scenes away.

So I'm in good shape. I was relieved — I have problems I feel I can solve, and there's enough work that I don't feel obligated to look for a job any time soon.


Speedrail said...

i just finished reading the script, and i must say that i'm perturbed at the lack of graphic sex scenes. write what you know, snake eyes!

ribble said...

I had a sex scene, but I took it out. Here it is, reproduced in its entirety.

Things happen here.