Tuesday, September 05, 2006

ribble's update

Bollywood movies are fun to work on! Yesterday there was a huge crowd on location because the star of this movie is some kind of a big deal.*

And it turned out he is a big deal! I've seen exactly one Bollywood movie (with my friend Ms. John) and this guy was the star! So I know he's a big deal because I've heard of him. Basically I'm saying I'm really arrogant.

So I was there trying to hold back this bank holiday crowd and there was this big star and it was good times.

Then today I locked up parking in the rain and my socks got wet, but that was kind of fun, too.

* Side note: the second question members of the public always ask a PA is "Who's in it?" and usually we're supposed to lie, but I found the quickest way to get rid of them was just to tell them the name of the guy.**

** Side note to side note: The first question members of the public always ask PAs is "What are you, making a movie or something?" Yes, we are making a movie. Also, just for the record, PAs do not know the answer to the third question, "When is the movie coming out?" That's a whole different can of worms.

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