The main problem with being a self-employed no-budget short film producer is that it is a largely unstructured job.
The problem I've always had with a lack of structure is that I can never define a time when I should not be working, so I'm constantly worrying about what I do and don't get done.

Recently I've been working all afternoon until I get tired, and then not having the energy to do anything, and then doing nothing. For example, it's been weeks since I've written in this blog.
Last night I hit something of a low point. I was coming home from a friend's birthday party, exhausted, and had to get off the train at Whitehall Street to throw up in the trash can on the platform.
It's not exactly that getting sick was stress-related; mostly, I'm sure it was stomach-virus related; but there's nothing like vomiting to make you wonder what exactly it is that's gone wrong with your life up until that point.
So my plan right now is to finish the projects that I've already committed to - all of which are pretty good projects anyway - and then take the time to find the real job that pays that is right for me and will help me to be happy.

Something that IS going well is the cat.
I adopted Kino shortly after this post. Right now, she is sleeping at the foot of my bed, blissfully unaware that she is going to be spayed tomorrow.
Here are the things Kino likes to do:
* Sprint from one end of the apartment to the other, then repeat.
* Fight lengths of string.
* Be pet, then wander away, then eventually wander back.
* Stare.
* Complain if her bowl's empty.
* Actually sit and let herself be pet for awhile, then slowly decide that she would prefer to attack whomever is petting her.
* Scoot her butt against my carpet in a very offensive way.
* Knead.
* Wake me up in the morning, presumably because she's bored.
That's pretty much it. If it were up to me, I would maybe choose a cat who would more often settle down, but this is my cat and I'm quite happy to live with her quirks.
More progress as it comes...
idiosyncrasies are what make cats like Kino special.
Hire me as your assistant. I will make sure the work gets done! Pay negotiable and resume to follow!
OMG this makes like job application number 1040404029191 in the past 24 horus
Ah. The cat sounds really cute.
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