Friday, March 13, 2009


I just watched the Jon Stewart - Jim Cramer interview, but I have not yet switched on CNN, so don't yet know the sound bites that will come to define this night of television. For what it's worth, then, here are what I think are the most damning sound bites for Cramer.

Cramer: I'm a commentator (...) I'm a guy trying to do an entertainment show about business for people to watch.

Cramer: I think that... that, your goal should always be to expose the fact that there is no easy money. I wish I'd found Madoff. I wish that...
Stewart: But there's literally shows called "Fast Money."
Cramer: I think there's people... there's a market for it and you give it to them...
Stewart: There's a market for cocaine and hookers!

Possibly a montage of Cramer saying "We were wrong."

After watching parts of the interview again I'm guessing it's going to be Stewart's quotes that get the most play. Stewart gave an unrelenting, articulate and (given that this is Jon Stewart) surprisingly mature indictment of CNBC last night, but what was most striking was his righteous anger. If you watch closely at the very end of the interview as it played on television, you can see that he's STILL angry.

CNN report here. News reports seem to be generally focusing on Stewart saying "I know you're trying to be entertaining, but it's not a fucking game" and the inevitable Cramer apology montage.

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