Saturday, November 01, 2008

How I Spent My Last Presidential Election Night

Four years ago Tuesday night, I was hanging out with My Friend The Kiwi at my place. The Kiwi and I had been hanging out a lot at my place even though she lived uptown because I had a TiVo and we were watching a lot of 24, and because I guess we didn't know a lot of people in the city at that point.

I was not following the EV and other important factors as closely then as I do now.

Also, we were drinking.

As a result, we started out very, very excited, and I remember as the night went on we just got more and more sober and depressed. Around the time Edwards came out and said "I'll guess we'll just have to wait until tomorrow, kthxbai," we just went to sleep.

Our feeling the next morning is represented in artistic form here, in the saddest cartoon of all time.

Post Script - Tuesday night's plans are here.

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