Tuesday, November 14, 2006

On the Advantages of Wearing a Hat on Set

First, and of primary importance, it absorbs the sweat I work up when I, say, run to the roof of a five-story walkup carrying, say, four 25' 100-amp whips.

It gives me a cool place to clip the clothespins I find lying around (essential for lighting work).

It keeps me warm when I'm ourside and it about 50 degrees (although 40, not so much).

Then I suppose it also keeps the sun out of my eyes.


Jose said...

Converesly, hats make you sweat more in the heat because it traps all that heat that comes off your head when you're running up those stairs.

Anonymous said...

ahh, he's got you there ribbles...

ribble said...

Bahh, physics.